"Talent wins games, teamwork wins championships."

Michael Jordan.
Our services
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Our success does not lie in strengthening our weaknesses, but in enhancing our strengths.

Internal and external strengths. A great internal strength of Impais is knowing who to surround ourselves with and choosing the best partners for the journey. Our customers, suppliers and financial partners support and elevate our work.


The backbone

We work hand in hand with major clients who entrust us with their work because they seek the highest quality, efficiency and excellence in both the process and the result.

It is thanks to our clients that we are able to be spectators and activators of the development that shapes cities and communities.
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Teamwork as a spearhead

Our network of suppliers is formed by the main manufacturers of insulating and waterproofing materials for construction. Leading companies in their sector worldwide.

With decades of close collaboration, we maintain strategic alliances for the distribution, marketing and installation of their products, being able to provide any material and solution anywhere in the Iberian Peninsula.

We always use the latest generation materials, selecting the highest quality.
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Investing in Impais as a guarantee of long-term success

Our financial partners trust us and our ecosystem. More than 30 years of activity behind us.

Our financing framework is solid and stable for our investors, making each project we develop a profitable investment opportunity, as well as a unique opportunity to be part of the development of the communities our work affects.

latest publications

Impais News

Interviews, tips, guides, industry best practices, and news.

Aedas Solum, the new glow of Tenerife

We have begun work on the prestigious Aedas Solum project in Playa San Juan, Tenerife. This project reflects our joint commitment to excellence in the design and construction of high quality homes.
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Cool Roofing: Energy Efficiency for Modern Buildings

Cool Roofing is a solution that not only protects roofs, but also improves the energy performance of the building. We are specialized in Cool Roofing and we tell you about its benefits.
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Expansion of HM Montepríncipe Boadilla

Impais joins Arpada in the expansion of the first private hospital in Spain: a milestone for innovation in healthcare in the Community of Madrid. We tell you about it here.
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