Our contribution to healthcare, hospitals, our future

We as a company should be proud to have been present and to continue to be present in our projects supporting the healthcare sector.
Published on
10 Aug 2020

We find ourselves in a time of uncertainty in which our routines have been affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. However, our healthcare organizations, media and public institutions have shown their strength and continue to adapt creatively to these circumstances. We as a company should be proud to have been present and to continue to be present in our projects, supporting one of the most important sectors, the health sector. We have to emphasize that we have not been alone, we have always had the support of the major construction companies in this country, which, being responsible for the work, choose us again for the seal of excellence that characterize our work . We have built many hospitals and health care centers over the years. Before the pandemic we had started several projects, which have not been left standing and we have continued working on them.


Some of our main works are:

Toledo University Hospital

The new University Hospital of Toledo, built by the U.T.E. formed by Acciona, Dragados y Obrascon, Huarte Lain (OHL), is located in the Santa María de Benquerencia industrial estate, and we can finally say that it has been completed but not inaugurated. The new hospital has a wide range of services and new specialties will be incorporated. There are 18 medical specialties, 12 surgical specialties, 12 special units, specific areas of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the near future, the Toledo Hospital Complex will have 1,142 hospital beds, 368 consultation rooms, 97 examination rooms, 120 day hospital rooms, 42 emergency observation rooms and 65 treatment rooms and examination boxes.

University Clinic of Navarra

Clínica Universitaria de Navarra, also known as CUN, was founded in 2009. Thanks to our client Arpada S.A we have had the pleasure of collaborating in the construction of this new hospital, as well as giving us the opportunity to build the most advanced Proton Therapy Unit in Europe, which since April 2nd is already available to everyone. The Clínica Universitaria de Navarra is considered the best private hospital in Spain, according to an independent study by MERCO (Corporate Reputation Business Monitor). This project has involved the construction of 46,000 square meters of hospital facilities, divided into two buildings: the hospital itself, with 35,000 square meters of healthcare space, and, opposite it, a building dedicated exclusively to education and training.

Salamanca University Hospital

Together with F.C.C. Construcción, we are working to complete the new hospital in Salamanca within this year, despite the circumstances. Among the new equipment that the complex will have are: three magnetic resonance nuclear resonances; three new generation CAT scans; and the incorporation of robotic surgery. The long-awaited inauguration seems to be getting closer and closer after the reception of the work was carried out last September in order to begin the installation of the medical equipment and furniture. Once the equipment has been completed, the transfer of all the healthcare content of the current Hospital Clínico to the new construction and the subsequent demolition of the Hospital Clínico building will begin.

Guadalajara Hospital

The new hospital of Guadalajara, carried out by the U.T.E. between Vías y Construcciones, S.A. and Corsan-Corviam Construcción, S.A., is estimated to be finished in April 2021. This is the date provided by the architect Belén Ruiz Casares, if the works had not been stopped, the initial completion date was for the end of 2014. The expansion of the University Hospital of Guadalajara will allow this infrastructure to practically double its surface area. It will also have a larger number of beds, a greater number of consultation rooms and the incorporation of new services, specifically Nuclear Medicine and Pediatric Surgery.

Cuenca Hospital

The new Cuenca Hospital will completely change the life of the city. The new Cuenca Hospital will have more than 114,000 square meters built, 502 beds and 13 operating rooms. The Minister explained that, according to the representatives of the joint venture formed by Construcciones Carrascosa, Sarrión Construcciones and Obrascón Huarte Lain (OHL), who are building the hospital, the earthworks and foundations of the buildings are practically finished and at the moment the work is focused on the execution of the structures, for which we are participating in the University Hospital of Cuenca, where we will develop all the waterproofing units of the complex.

Soria Hospital

The joint venture formed by FCC Construcción and FCC Industrial e Infraestructuras Energéticas, has trusted us to award all the units of the Santa Bárbara Hospital in Soria. The latest news about the refurbishment of Soria Hospital is that the work will be completed in 2023. Soria will have a modern and efficient hospital complex, which will offer its inhabitants new and improved facilities, reducing waiting lists and increasing its services.

Hospital de la Paz - Pediatric ICU

In 2019, the Community of Madrid authorized the award of the contract for the interior refurbishment of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Hospital. The works by the construction company Obrascón Huarte Lain (OHL), will consist of the partial interior restructuring of the second floor of the Children's Hospital, where a new Pediatric ICU will be developed to replace the current one on the first floor. Not only this unit but the whole hospital will be refurbished.

The new hospital will occupy 320,000 square meters, an increase of 72% over the current area.

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Every department at Impernor Asbitra has been involved from start to finish to guarantee the best quality standards and to protect what really matters to us: people.

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