Water reservoir hydraulic projects

We bring water to different populations through the execution of projects such as water tanks in the Community of Madrid.
Published on
10 Oct 2019

Today's populations need an ever-increasing quantity and quality of water. A reason that pushes Public Administrations to invest in the construction of hydraulic projects such as dams, drinking water treatment plants or wastewater treatment plants. But it is also a reason that, as a corporation, motivates us to act. We want to create a cleaner and purer future, where water is no longer a concern for people. For this reason, our activity is also aimed at infrastructures of this type. A sector where we have a great experience thanks to the trust that clients such as Vías y Construcciones, S.A., Sacyr Servicios or Drace (Dragados) have placed in us. The high level of our work and our firm commitment to quality and innovation.

ERAR Sur Oriental de Rivas Vaciamadrid, a project supported by the European Union

The Madrid City Council, in its constant concern to make progress in the treatment of wastewater generated within its framework of action, undertook in 2010 the remodeling of the ERAR South East, located in the lower course of the Manzanares River, which was 80% financed by the European cohesion funds. Thanks to this, it has been possible to carry out the adaptation for the elimination of nutrients from the biological treatment in this infrastructure, with a budget of 8,000,000 euros and an execution period of 12 months. With the aim of achieving the most demanding water quality requirements, Canal Isabel II Gestión once again entrusted Impernor Asbitra with the construction of the ERAR Sur Oriental de Rivas Vaciamadrid. The result has been a new, more efficient facility that prevents algae proliferation, reduces damage to the ecosystem and, since 2011, has been serving the districts of Vicálvaro and San Blas, as well as the municipality of Rivas Vaciamadrid.

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Expansion of the La Gavia D.W.W.P., supplying more than 950,000 inhabitants.

In this case the action was located in the set of infrastructures that make up the southeast arc of the Regenerated Water Distribution Network in the City of Madrid. The purpose of Canal de Isabel II was to extend the use of reclaimed water from the La Gavia Wastewater Regeneration Station to the irrigation of green and sports areas in the districts of Puente de Vallecas, Villa de Vallecas and Vicálvaro. The construction of the work was destined to our client Sacyr Servicios, who again relied on Impernor Asbitra for the execution of approximately 15,800 meters of pipelines and 4 storage tanks. After its expansion in 2015, the La Gavia WWTP, located on the left bank of the Manzanares River, has a capacity to treat 2 m3/s of average flow (172,800 m3/day), which means supplying 950,000 inhabitants. Its reclaimed water interconnection network provides irrigation services to the parks of La Gavia, Valdebernardo, Campo de la Paloma, Plaza de la Constitución, Lineal de Palomeras, Payaso Fofó, Azorín and Tío Pío.

Reinforcement of the East Branch, improving Algete's supply system.

In Impernor Asbitra we know that the improvement of the water purification and supply system is a primordial work to increase the quality of life of the adjacent areas. Following this premise, the works we have also carried out in the area of Algete together with our client Vías y Construcciones, S.A. have real importance for us. This project was focused on the construction of a Waste Water Treatment Plant ( WWTP) to improve the water supply of Algete and Torrelaguna, in the Valdeolmos-Ajalvir section.To achieve the highest quality standards, Canal de Isabel II invested 91 million euros in 2012 and by 2015, the facility was already treating 10,000 m3 of wastewater every day, supplying 40,000 inhabitants and producing 4,000 m3 of reclaimed water for irrigation of green areas and street washing.

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