Guadalajara's Courts open a new building

The new Guadalajara courthouse project consists of four floors and a built-up area of 12,361 square meters, with a total of 17 courtrooms and an additional space for two possible reserve courtrooms. It will also have an area for detainees and police, pedestrian and vehicle access, parking and green areas.
Published on
16 May 2019

The Courts of Guadalajara already have a new building, the result of an ambitious project where our client Constructora San José once again relied on Impernor Asbitra for the integral awarding of the waterproofing and insulation units of the facilities. Thanks to our expertise and background in the sector, we have also executed our work, from start to finish, in other important projects such as:

Ciudad Real Courts with F.C.C. CONSTRUCTION
Logroño Courts with SACYR
Audiencia Nacional de Madrid with F.C.C. CONSTRUCTION
Majadahonda Courts Building with AFAR-4

All project details

Guadalajara will have new facilities for its Courts in 2019. The building consists of four floors above ground and a built area of 12,361 square meters. A total of 17 courtrooms will be distributed in them, plus an additional space to house two possible reserve courts.

The new facility, which is part of a first phase, will also have a detention and police area, as well as pedestrian and vehicle accesses, parking and green areas, leaving a possible extension for a second phase.

The future of building is also in these courts thanks to Impernor Asbitra

Energy efficiency has gone from being the future to becoming the present, thanks to the approval of Directive 2010/31/EU, under which new publicly owned buildings must be nearly zero-energy buildings.

In Impernor Asbitra we have always put our experience at the service of energy saving and environmental protection, thus reducing CO2 emissions and contributing to the preservation of the environment. Therefore, we are proud that the new Courts of Guadalajara are already part of our ecompromise with the citizens.

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